The Animator

I hate Pink now by Anibot505

  • Views: 113
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "I hate Pink now" by Anibot505

4yr ago

This happened to me literally recently..

While oxygen was going off.. i see Green and Lime exit electrical, i check for bodies, No sign of em..

i see blood splatter and green's body was outside of electrical, i tell them that its lime.. THEN PINK COMES IN AND SAYS ITS ME AND THEY ALL VOTE ME OFF FOR NO HECCING REASON!!! >:(

4yr ago

This is why i'd rather play with friends than randoms.. (I mean, i did meet some smart and nice randoms but yeah) (AND I CAN'T PLAY WITH U GUYS BECAUSE TIME ZONES!!! D:< but i think thats gonna change soon :))

4yr ago

(then i tell the dead people that these guys r stupid)

4yr ago

sammeeee also I wish I could play with yall

4yr ago

i cri :(

4yr ago

i too cri

4yr ago

thats all can help

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