Stick Kingdoms - Join in comments - by
- Views: 66
- Created: 4yr ago
- Last updated: 4yr ago
- Version: 4
- Length: 12 frames, 3.4s
Comments on "Stick Kingdoms - Join in comments -" by rezzy
Stick Kingdoms - This is not the series - anyone can join - Tell me your Kingdoms color - Your kingdoms name - If you have discord tell me it - Every time you build or get more Stick fighters something recreate your part of the map - If 2 people choose the same part they can rule the Kingdom with each other -I will recreate the entire map while you guys create your portion - "Go to war with other kingdoms -
You have to role-play building and getting a army and training them to Sword fight,Elemental Fight,Use powers correctly, You can kill a ruler of the kingdom and they will have to restart as a different person - you can take other peoples parts while in war - Form Alliances
Commet your - Kingdom Name - Color - Ruler - Secondary Ruler if you want one - You can have any amount of rulers - And commit what part of the map you want
Starting this Friday
color Dark green name:ature fortress
pls watch my trailer
Color: Cyan Blue
Name: The Hospitaller of the Knights of Stickdelta
area controlled: the Central Island in the Delta
do the neon blue instead as cyan is the ocean
Ok so it's been a year , but I wanna be the sandmans , with a orange colour , we control the area in the bottom left
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