The Animator

Why I hide comments by BlanelDraws2

  • Views: 38
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "Why I hide comments" by BlanelDraws2

It’ because of a secret I don’t wanna tell you. The only accounts I have is

BlanelDraws, PowerSpree3 And Kirb-ballx (since I am a Kirby fan)

And Fagy said it was a joke.

To me, actually, I only have 4. Fagy has 2.

She made a troll account called, SANSXME. And it was a troll, and she had a lot of fun

That’s why I hide comments about some kind of secret, but I still kept my other 3 accounts, BlanelDraws, PowerSpree3 and Kirb-ballx.

Hope you understand! (Proof will be on my girl’s account down below with the link in the next comment. That’s proof)

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