The Animator

What time does your school start? by MagicDragon7777

  • Views: 42
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s

Comments on "What time does your school start?" by 1_2_buckle_my_shoe

Mine is at 8:30 and ends at 2:45

2yr ago

*le gasp*

7:30 to 2:45


bro i get out at 2:27

well period end at 2:27

school ends at 2:30

2yr ago

If u got early bird (i have it and hate it) at my school have to be there at 6:30 when doors open and if not then for others bell rings or time for them to go to their class is 7:51 which my eb class ends and end of day is 2:06

8:20 to 3:20

8:25 to 4:30

2yr ago

8:30 - 3:10

@Dregoboiiiiiii said:

8:25 to 4:30

dang its long


Thats alsoo pretty long if you do the math

2yr ago

8:30 to 3:15

2yr ago

8:00 to 3:20

9:15 is when my class starts and 3:45 is when it ends i usually leave at 4:00-4:45.

2yr ago

@Dantheman plz don't say that.

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