The Animator

What happend to the original the animator by cameronmaher_

  • Views: 87
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 3
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 1 3 1

Comments on "What happend to the original the animator" by TheDestroyer

idk what happen

What happened, is toxic people joined.

And drama.

Lots of that.

Including the drama that got you banned.

we used to be friends weseal what happened dude, its like u a whole different person

I feel weird now.

I really feel like I did smth bad but I didn't.

4yr ago

nothing bad happened, people grow up, and change, weasel left for a while and came back, you showed up out of nowhere, started a oc war, and caused alot of fun events when you did something bad, but made up for it, I was just here animating for a while trying to involve myself in the community, but things are different now, those things we done changed how we do things, changed our personalities, and that isn't bad at all, it's just growing up.

omg you just said the truth

4yr ago

i just-

miss it.

4yr ago

like seriously.

i wish it was all back when there was no drama,

no bullying crap,

back when everyone was equal to eachother.

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