Sena Mode (untouchable) by
- Views: 171
- Created: 5yr ago
- Last updated: 5yr ago
- Version: 3
- Length: 3 frames, 0.3s
Comments on "Sena Mode (untouchable)" by cameronmaher
this mode is untouchable but im not using this mode in the war because if u look at someone in Sena mode then your character dies istently
oh then it not really that good at all why would they have that mode at all
because this mode is the best mode possibly it has a lot more extra powers but I just don't wan't to explain all of it
can i use it probly not butttttt maybe
maybe if the other squads think its fair
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
They said no plus we can just go Sega mode since they don't won't us to do Sega mode
my bad I said that wrong we can just go Sega mode since they don't won't us to go Sena mode
i thought you said sega mode was ur final
not really
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