The Animator

I like you have a cupcake by Dale

  • Views: 95
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 1 5 10 8

Comments on "I like you have a cupcake" by Charmander

3yr ago

are you a girl?

3yr ago

so i don't make a mistake for what imma about for u


@Dale is a girl. (biologically right?)

(pls forgive me if I'm wrong-)

3yr ago

@CookieTheRookie thats what im trying to find out because my makeing a drawing for charmander and idk if char is a boy or a girl i kinda think a girl my i might be wrong

3yr ago


hey charmander. are you a boy or girl?

also can you make lil and some of your favorite lil forms into cupcakes or cookies?

3yr ago

@Kazixai b o y

3yr ago

@Dale a l r

3yr ago

um ok uh ye maeks sunce

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